Our Egg Donor

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Egg Donors

We are so grateful for the generous women that participate in An Eggceptional Match™ donor egg program. These women give some of our couple’s new hope of becoming parents after many years of disappointment.

After an initial phone conversation with an egg donor candidate the donor is sent a detailed family and medical history form to fill out and return with a current photograph. The egg donor program at An Eggceptional Match™ is anonymous, meaning the recipient will not receive any identifying information about the donor. The photograph is used only by the physician and donor egg coordinator when considering the donor for a couple.

Upon receipt and review of the medical history form, the donor will meet with our fertility team for a consultation to discuss your decision to donate as well as undergo a physical exam. We screen for infectious diseases every 6 months up to the time of donation as well as screening the donor’s sexual partner. Another part of the screening process involves meeting with our therapist, for another opportunity to discuss your decision to donate as well as MMPI psychological testing. After the screening process is completed the donor egg coordinator will present the donor’s profile to the couples and facilitate the match.

The egg donor cycle is comprised of three components:
cycle suppression;
controlled ovarian hyper stimulation; and
egg retrieval.
Initially we suppress the cycle with an injectable medication that the donor begins on cycle day 21. Once the donor is hormonally suppressed she will start the ovarian stimulation medication. During the stimulation cycle we stimulate the ovaries with medication that cause the development of multiple follicles. It is very important during that time that the donor be monitored by the physician to insure a successful cycle. The egg retrieval is done at our outpatient surgical center with an anesthesiologist present.


Some of the couples coming to the Reproductive Medicine & Fertility Center will need the help of third party reproduction to help them fulfill their dreams of becoming parents. Here at RMFC we have an Agency run egg donor program available for those couples needing their service. Egg donation is now an option for women suffering from premature menopause, poor egg quality, and diminished ovarian reserve. Patients with prior IVF cycles resulting in poor egg/embryo quality are also excellent candidates for donor oocytes. By utilizing an egg donor the couple can have a child biologically linked to the father and carried by the mother. Egg donation can also be combined with sperm donation and still allow the mother to experience the joy of pregnancy and control the gestational environment. The pregnancy rate at the Reproductive Medicine & Fertility Center, using our donor eggs is very high and makes it possible for many of our couples to realize their lifelong dream of becoming parents.